CIUUSD Special Meeting to Discuss the Future Educational Uses of the Isle LaMotte School Building
On Wednesday October 26 at 6:30 p.m. the Champlain Island Unified Union School District will hold a special meeting to seek input from the community about potential future educational uses for the Isle La Motte Elementary School building. The meeting will take place at the Isle LaMotte Elementary School and there will also be an opportunity to attend electronically via this Google Meet Link.. At the CIUUSD October Regular Meeting the Grand Isle Supervisory Union Administration shared that the talks with several Franklin County School Districts to use the ILM Building as alternative school for elementary students determined the site was not feasible because it was too far from many of the students it would serve and staffing would not be practicable.
No decision will be made at the meeting on October 26 and the future educational uses of the Isle LaMotte School building will also be discussed by the CIUUSD Board at its regular school board meeting on November 1, 2022.
We look forward to seeing you at these meetings and hearing your ideas.